Our Teething Around Ball are made of 100% BPA Free Food Grade Silicone and All Natural Wood! This ball has all the sensory components that are sure to satisfy your little one! Between the silicone that will help soothe your little ones teeth and develop a healthy jaw to the rattle option that gives your baby the added fun of exploring sound this Teething Ball is perfect!
Of course like everything else at Teething Around these are completely customizable. We’ve given you some options but if you want to make your own or customize. In appropriate sections leave: initials/name, color choices and choose between a full silicone ball or a rattle ball.
Our Silicone Teething Toys & Clips are made of 100% Food Grade BPA Free Silicone! Do not leave your child unsupervised/sleeping while using our products. Please discard any damaged product upon arrival. Buyer assumes all responsibility as seller is not responsible once order is shipped.